Please seek GP advice:

Before you order Himalayan salt, especially if you have high blood pressure, are taking anti-hypertensive medication, are following a low sodium diet or suffer from diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular system and or kidneys or any medical condition you are being treated for.

Not to be used by:

pregnant or lactating/breastfeeding women, infants, babies and very young children.

Used on broken skin, Himalayan salt will not harm, however, it may cause stinging dependent on the water to salt ratio used. Salt is a natural, powerful antibacterial.

This product has not been audited or verified by monitoring, regulatory authorities. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and/or disorders.

Under UK law only a medical doctor may 'treat' illness and disease with a medical origin.

The information contained in these web pages is for information purposes only.