Why is Himalayan salt better for you than commercially produced table salt?

Commercially produced table salt has been bleached and chemically stripped of all beneficial minerals, then mixed with anti-caking agents...

This type of salt with its added toxins presents an enormous burden on your body causing, amongst any number of possible symptoms, dehydration.  Himalayan salt as an Antioxidant:

Himalayan salt contains a number of beneficial antioxidant compounds. Many of the commonly used antioxidants only work in specific areas of the body. Himalayan salt is understood to work throughout the body, including at cellular level. It is also believed to enhance the effectiveness of other antioxidants.

Himalayan salt – Brine for health and well-being:

A good way to use himalayan salt is to make a brine solution Sole (Sole-lay)

Each morning add a teaspoon of this brine solution to a glass of spring or filtered water and drink. This is a great way to start the day. It is very alkalising and natural way to replace depleted electrolytes.

Himalayan salt in the Kitchen:

Himalayan salt is the best type of salt to use for culinary purposes. Its moderate flavour enhances food in a lighter more subtle way than commercial salt.  Sea salt and in particular Himalayan salt, is the preferred salt of world- renowned chefs and their establishments. Many use the beautifully coloured, crystal salt as a garnish for dishes and handmade chocolates and desserts. Meat, fish and eggs (anything really) can be enhanced when cooked on Himalayan salt slabs that are becoming more readily available. They also make very beautiful, natural displays for cold meats, fruit and cheese. 

Himalayan salt as a detoxifier in your bath or as a foot soak.

Add Himalayan salt to your bath to aid powerful detoxification. The salt allows the muscles to relax and helps the skin to rejuvenate and eliminate toxins, including heavy metals.  It is a particularly good detoxifier if your body is under stress and fatigue.  Pioneering Doctor F Batmanghelidj, in his book ‘Water & Salt - your healers from within.’ lists many health related benefits of unrefined salt. His books are an excellent read for anyone interested in the health benefits of water and salt and particularly useful if you are facing health challenges and looking for natural or alternative approaches.

Listed here are just a handful of the many health benefits Himalayan Salt is known to assist with when taken in food or via a Sole tonic:

Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning

Promoting a stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain

Ability to help reduce the common signs of ageing

An aid for vascular health

Support in healthy respiratory function

Lowering incidence of sinus problems, promoting over-all sinus health

Can reduce muscle cramps

Increasing bone strength

Naturally promotes healthy sleep patterns

Aids libido function

In combination with water (unrefined salt) is necessary for blood pressure regulation

Can prevent cellulite or increased cellulite when compared to chemically treated table salt

Can reduce the chances of developing or symptoms of rheumatism, arthritis and gout, when compared to chemically treated table salt 

Reduces the chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones when compared to chemically treated table salt

Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy and electrolytes

Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract